© 2016 Troy Palmer. Icons from The Noun Project.

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Trolling the competition
for the Toronto Argos.
After a couple of dismal and disappointing seasons, the Argos needed to make themselves relevant once again on the Toronto sports and entertainment scene. The Argos had an improved roster but we needed to let everyone know that (just as importantly) they had a bold new attitude, too. 

To sell individual game tickets, we took a cue from some award-winning CFL work we had done years prior and decided the best plan of attack was to call out our rivals. 

In an eight team league, that's pretty much every other franchise. 
The campaign, which also included weekly radio spots, received solid media attention and was the talk of every visiting target — uh, team — when they came to town. Attendance went up, the team started doing better, and just two years later the Argos won their 16th Grey Cup championship. Boom.

Role: writer