© 2016 Troy Palmer. Icons from The Noun Project.

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Throwing a sausage party 
with WVRST.
To create some hype and buzz around the opening of WVRST, a modern sausage (and beer) hall in Toronto’s trendy King St. West neighbourhood, we hand-delivered these unique invitations to food bloggers, critics, and other cultural influencers, asking them to join our grand opening party.
The invitations, designed to look like freshly-packed sausages, were actually t-shirts wrapped in butcher paper. Invitees were encouraged to wear their t-shirts to the restaurant’s festivities, in exchange for a free sausage of their choice. The t-shirt designs were based on a print and poster campaign, developed by the agency to promote WVRST’s original, all-sausage menu.

The result of the invitations? On opening day, long lines of people wearing their custom WVSRT t-shirts packed the restaurant to capacity. By the end of the night, every sausage had sold out, and both online and local publications were running rave reviews.

Role: writer.
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